Teen Participant Internship Step 1 of 3 33% Your Personal InformationYour Legal Name(Required) Legal First Name Legal Middle Name Legal Last Name Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Your Email Address(Required) Your Phone Number(Required)Grade as of Spring 2025(Required)101112Where do you go to School?(Required) Work ExperienceYour Previous Employers(Required)Please list your previous employers, the dates you worked and the position you heldEmployerDatesPositionPhone Add RemoveVolunteer Experience(Required)Please list your previous employers, the dates you worked and the position you heldOrganizationDatesPositionPhone Add Remove Share Your Experience in the Following AreasGolf Expeirence(Required)Describe your golf experience. Beginner (playing golf <5 years) Intermediate (playing golf 5-10 years) Skilled (playing golf 10+ years) Certified Golf Instructor Working with Children(Required)Describe your experience working with children. Select multiple options if applicable. Coaching/Mentoring (ex. Little League Coach) Educational Settings (ex. Teacher) Non-Education Settings (ex. Summer Camp Counselor) As a Parent or Guardian No Experience First Tee ProgrammingSelect the sessions, locations and days & times available. Please check as many as you are available. Staff will then work with you on a schedule that meets your availability.Which of Our Teaching Locations are Conveinent for You(Required) Armco Park Indian Ridge Kenton County Meadow Links Miles of Golf Neumann Potter's Park Reeves Woodland What Days of the Week are you Available to Coach(Required) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Hours You Are Available for Work(Required)Based on the previous question, please tell us your availability on the day(s) you selected.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Add RemoveMore About YouEssay Question: What is a goal? What is your goal in 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years from now? How will your experiences and what you have learned at First Tee help you achieve these goals?Upload Your Resume - if applicableUpload your resume in .pdf, .doc or .docx formatAccepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 25 MB.Terms and Conditions - Must Be Agreed by a Parent/Legal Guardian(Required)I, the parent/legal guardian of the above named youth, approve of his/her participation, if selected, as a paid summer intern of First Tee- Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky (FT-GCNKY). I assume all risks of injury whatsoever and agree to hold harmless First Tee Chapter and Headquarters Office from claims of any nature arising from any activity, including transportation, connected with First Tee facility or program. This ‘hold harmless’ agreement includes but is not limited to any claim due to injury resulting from negligence of First Tee Chapter or Headquarters Office, its employees, agents, LPGA and PGA Professionals, participating agencies, and volunteers. I understand and agree that he/she will be hired as a FT-GCNKY seasonal employee, and will be paid hourly. I agree to the terms and conditions.Captcha